Residential landlord

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Disputes in relation to residential property can arise in a number of ways. This section provides practical and clear guidance, as well as helpful documents, to help you understand the key legal issues involved and take the right steps to resolving them. For example, where a residential property is rented, both landlord and tenants will have rights and obligations. To find out what these are, the starting point is to look at the tenancy agreement between them. If either of them has broken the terms of this tenancy agreement, the other can take action to remedy the situation and/or to get compensation. If you’re a landlord, you ultimately may have more than one option available to you to take back possession of the property. There are strict rules around how you can do this lawfully; otherwise your tenant can challenge you. The materials here will give you an excellent head-start on understanding your options and what you may need to do, or avoid doing, next.

The content on this website has been prepared by Markel Law LLP and it’s specified partners. It’s intended as guidance only and not to be regarded as a substitute for consultation with one of our solicitors or experts, since every case will ultimately turn on its own particular facts and circumstances. We recommend that you use our materials as your starting point and be aware that you sometimes have to follow a set procedure before taking any action, especially in an employment context. If you are in any doubt, we’d suggest that you get in touch with us and we’ll talk you through your options on how to get the right legal advice.